Twin Cities donations down $500K from this time last year

Nov 28, 2015 | by Julie Borgen

Roseville, Minn. – With a shorter bell ringing season and fewer donations coming in, The Twin Cities Salvation Army is calling on everyone to give what they can, to help support their neighbors in need.

“We have an ambitious, but achievable goal of raising $11.6 million dollars during our Christmas campaign,” said Major Jeff Strickler, Twin Cities Commander. “As of right now, we are over half a million dollars behind where we were at this time last year.”

To date, the Twin Cities Salvation Army has raised just over $1.6 million toward that goal, compared to over $2.1 million at this time last year.

The Salvation Army asks shoppers to remember the red kettles when they are out this weekend and urges people to sign up as volunteer bell ringers. The average kettle brings in $30 an hour, so giving two hours of your time is like making a $60 donation to the Army.

“With 575 kettles throughout the metro area and shifts available 6 days a week, there’s bound to be a location convenient to nearly everyone,” said Strickler.

It’s easy to sign up to bell ring online.

About The Twin Cities Salvation Army

The Twin Cities Salvation Army is one of the largest providers of Christmas toys in the metro area, making the holiday brighter for 15,000 children. They serve 1,200 hot meals every day, and shelter nearly 900 people each night, providing groceries for 102,000 a year.  Join the Salvation Army by volunteering or making a donation to support your local community.

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