Donation in Action: Family’s repossessed stuff is replaced

Jun 10, 2016

Many of the people The Salvation Army serves are in the middle of crazy circumstances. Their stories can be heartbreaking, uplifting, and everything in between.

Here are some of those stories, submitted by Salvation Army social workers and caseworkers from across Minnesota and North Dakota. Out of respect for the people involved, we are retelling these stories without using names.

If you’ve ever wondered how The Salvation Army uses your donations, here are some good examples:

Family’s possessions sold online

A distraught woman came to The Salvation Army in need of food for her family. She explained how her family had been through one thing after another, starting with becoming temporarily homeless and having to move in with a relative. The living situation got so bad, so fast, the family had to move out and pay the costs of a hotel and mini-storage.

Later, the family was late in paying the storage company. By the time they had enough money to pay, the storage company had sold almost all their possessions. To add insult to injury, the woman saw some of the items for sale online.

Some weeks later, the woman came back and reported that her family was able to pay the deposit and first month’s rent on an apartment. But the apartment was empty because the family no longer owned any furniture.

Thankfully, The Salvation Army was able to pay the cost of furnishing the apartment through a low-cost furniture bank called Bridging. The woman was grateful and had tears in her eyes.

Daughter swindles father

Recently I helped an older gentleman who’d been ripped-off by his daughter. The man, in his 70s, had entrusted his daughter to pay his bills. Instead, she’d been stealing money from his account.

By the time the man discovered what his daughter had done, he was behind on his mortgage, medical bills, and payments to the IRS.

I helped the man by giving him groceries and some household items, including laundry detergent. He was very thankful. He said The Salvation Army’s assistance would allow him to focus on getting caught up with his bills and not worry about where his next meal would come from, or how he’d wash his clothes.

Questions about God

A single mother came to me with questions about God. She had been taking a religion class at a local college. She was confused and conflicted.

I quoted 1 Corinthians 14:33, which states, “God is not a God of confusion, but a God of peace” (NIV).

I also paraphrased Mark 10:14, which explains we can accept the perfect and inerrant word of God as a little child.

Our conversation went on for 20 minutes, after which the woman happily accepted the New Testament Bible I offered her.

Although she didn’t make a personal commitment to Christ that day, she was shown love and respect. She was offered an invitation to Christ and an open door to ask any more questions about the truths that I, and The Salvation Army, stand upon.

Hats off to this guy

A man stopped by to say thank you. He explained how everything in his life changed the day The Salvation Army gave him a winter hat three months ago. Previously he had fallen on hard times, and the hat symbolized hope.

Soon after he received the hat, he landed a job. He excelled at the job and was promoted to management. His life had rebounded so quickly and dramatically, he capitalized on the momentum by becoming a speaker at a local church group for men in need of support.

The man beamed from ear to ear, thankful for The Salvation Army’s assistance and excited to give back to everyone who’d supported him during his hard times.

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